Tag Archives: Islam

Islam and the Media: Sympathy for Hebdo murderers?

27 Feb

A ComRes poll commissioned by the BBC has found that a quarter of Muslims questioned expressed sympathy for the motives of the Hebdo murderers. Unsurprisingly it is being framed in Politically Correct ways  by different media outlets.

No Different From the Rest of Us?

The argument is often misrepresented as saying that if there is a particular problem with violence within the Muslim community then it is being said that all or most Muslims carry out or support violence. But there is no inconsistency between arguing that there is a particular problem  with that one community and acknowledging that most Muslims are not terrorists.

Outlets such as the International Business Times tried to frame this issue as indicating that Muslims are no different from anybody else. It tries to override significance of the size of the minority expressing sympathy by pointing out that most Muslims are not fanatics. This is true, but the statistic is still significant as a quarter is a lot considering the question asked.

They also seem to be implying that the entire Muslim population is seen as an enemy and that this survey has refuted that. But there is no consensus saying that Muslims are all killers. Nor is the case that a population has to be generally homicidal for there to be doubts over attachment to the national political culture as opposed to an alternative. For example, another survey that has been conducted has found that 40 % of young Muslims support the principle of sharia in British law.

It also commends the Muslim population for the fact that most Muslims whom are offended by depictions of their prophet said that they would not support violence in response. So restraining the urge to murder, or to sympathise with it, is something to be proud of? Also it seems that a Muslim only needs to refrain from carrying out or supporting violence to be considered nice. Can you really defend Muslims and have such low expectations from them? A white person doesn’t even have to promote violence to be considered an extremist, just challenge multiculturalism or any left-wing prejudice.

It also tried to portray the wider British population as no different. Absurdly, it acknowledged that while 24% sympathised with the murderers motives it claimed that more than 24% of native Britons would support violence if a poppy was burned. Really? When trying to defend the Muslim population it seems that the charges ought to be put onto the non-Muslim majority. But how many native Britons attempt to murder to Muslims whenever our traditions and national symbols are (regularly) attacked? Never. We have native Britons such as the EDL protesting but this is far different from shooting people up.



Tendency towards extremism is exaggerated amongst the wider population whilst also being blamed for any support amongst Muslims for violence.

Meanwhile rt.com tries to give voice to the Islamic victimhood narrative. It quotes an Islamic student as implying that the rest of society has a problem, not the community in which a quarter of them express sympathy for terrorist motives. So if we stopped seeing Islamic terrorists as Islamic then there would be no support for terrorism? This is the same absurd logic that blames Western foreign policy for the existence and growth of IS. When our society is the target of Islamic terrorism we are supposed to ignore it or we are victimising the community that the terrorists overwhelmingly come from, apparently. In order to maintain a narrative that is inconsistent with facts it is necessary to stretch logic to its very limits.

We are also expected to maintain the idea that  Islam represents peace, according to another student,  regardless of the amount of Muslims who carry out violence in its name – and quotes Quranic verses justifying them. Allegedly wider society increases support amongst Muslims for violence – by perceiving the Muslim community as violent. So rather than having endogenous attributes the Islamic community is moulded by the perception of  the wider society. So if we view Islam as violent rather than peaceful then the followers of this ‘peaceful’ religion will inexplicably contradict the apparent peaceful fundamental tenets of their faith?

Again apparent violent sympathies are put onto the wider society in Europe by saying that Muslims are facing an attack on their religion, and on themselves,  by the natives. The issue of Pegida is raised. The article claims that Pegida are a ‘far-right’ movement, thereby imposing a loaded label on a popular movement, falsely claiming that they anti-Islam rather than against the Islamification of Europe (which are different positions) and falsely claiming that it wants to ban Islam rather than just stop it from forming the basis of law and culture in Europe.


It is only a minority so it does not matter?

Outlets such as the BBC will concentrate on the fact that  a majority does not support the motives behind the Hebdo murderers rather than on the minority who sympathised, in order to create a better impression. In our politically correct culture minorities have to be defended regardless and native European majorities blamed. But  32%  is a high number even if it represents a minority – if 32% of white Britons supported the motives behind a murder by white supremacists would not be followed by the headlines that a majority of whites do not support racist murders.  It would be concentrated on the large size of the minority and then characterising the entire white population.



Our Muslim-friendly media will overlook anything that might portray the Islamic community has having a particular problem, and will portray wider society as having the problem both against the Muslim community and with extremism within itself. When that is not the case then misleading portrayals will be used as well as bad logic to argue for it.

PEGIDA in the UK

24 Feb

We are predictably being warned that the presence of PEGIDA on the streets of the UK will lead to racial tensions on the streets. This warning has the usual basis – the imaginations and propaganda of those whom oppose what motivates the movement. Namely, control of immigration and preventing Europe becoming Islamic. We are witnessing our continent heading to the end of its distinct ethno-cultural identity. They are being called to usual names. ‘Xenophobic’ for example.

Pegida are planning a march as of writing in Newcastle, and then on throughout the country. It has been inspired by the movement in the German cities of Dresden and Leipzig where it attracted up to 25,000 people to its gatherings. They were protesting against mass immigration and multicultural policies that are diminishing indigenous European culture.

So wanting to preserve your culture in your own country means that you have an irrational fear? A pathological condition? No, a healthy people will want to preserve their culture. Those whom want to destroy their own culture, and in their own country, are the ones with a problem.

The critics will leap onto anything to discredit this movement. The German leader has been pictured as Hitler. Distasteful to many but indicative of deeply held beliefs? Not necessarily as people do dress up in jest. Does this prove that pro-Nazi beliefs are common throughout the movement? No, it is a mass movement. If anyone calls for less immigration and more emphasis on preserving indigenous identity then they will inevitably face comparisons with Nazis. It is easier to smear someone than to refute their ideas. How are they going to refute the idea that national European identity should not be preserved?

Most ordinary people have a deep emotional bond to their heritage and national identity. PEGIDA considers itself a movement of the middle; it is open to everyone. Its overriding concerns are the concerns of the ordinary majority rather than that of the narrow metropolitan elite. Hence the movements denigration; the metropolitan elite has a disproportionate hold over the media so they can create an artificial ‘consensus’ that denigrates genuine mass movements.

Islam and European identity

Pegida argues that Muslims should adapt to European culture, and not vice versa. This is based on the principle that the burden of integration should be in the newcomer – significant Muslim populations are new to Europe, especially in Western Europe whilst the established ethnic European population goes back millennia.

Mass immigration, low European birth-rates, high Muslim birth-rates and concessions constantly granted to demands for sharia by Politically Correct politicians has created profound uncertainty over the long-term survival of European and national identity. In Britain we have questions as to where Islam fits in to our national identity. The answer? It does not, as it is characteristically non-European, being Middle Eastern and Arabic,  but we have to assert that it does regardless. Truth is not considered important when it comes to Diversity. ‘Community cohesion’ is the overriding priority. What is meant by this? Appeasing the community that the authorities most fear.

Unrest terrifies those in power whom want to maintain the status quo. Our passivity works against us. Khalil Charles from the Muslim Council of Britain accuses the politicians of whipping up hatred against immigrants and Muslims but this is self-serving nonsense. Politicians don’t take the lead over this issue as they want it swept under the carpet. The public can worry without being told to by the governing elite. The public has talked about this for years but have been dismissed as ‘racist’ but this concern has reached a crescendo.

Movements such as PEGIDA are these concerns translated into civic action. It is an expression of public frustration; decent, normal people having reached the end of their tether. What happens when people are derided even at this stage? We will find out if the politicians carry on. Many on the Left try to dissociate Islam and Muslim from extremism but when they conflate PEGIDA’s anti-extremism message with an anti-Muslim and anti-Islam message then they are re-associating them.

There was the councillor in Newcastle who claimed that that he was ‘sick and tired of Far Right groups thinking that they can come into the city and target us [Muslims]’. Muslims are always the victims aren’t they? This is an example of Islamist propaganda becoming a mainstream opinion. If they were targeting Muslims then  surely they would choose another city other than Newcastle which is not known for its large Muslim population. Maybe not everything revolves around Muslims, but that indigenous Europeans can have legitimate grievances. It is considered to be a necessary aspect of Europeans by Marxists that everything we do is geared towards aggression against others. Thus, ‘protecting defenceless minorities’ becomes a justification for suppressing any movement that aims to protect the cultural rights of indigenous Europeans.

It has invited ‘moderate’ Muslims to join it on its protests. If it was anti-Muslim then why would it invite Muslims into its ranks? It opposes fundamentalism and Islamification rather than Muslims themselves.

Spreading Fear?

What does this phrase mean?  How do you ‘spread fear’ ? Do people get scared when PEGIDA’s issues are raised? No, people get scared by the effects of the policies that politicians pursue – the policies that make them worry about their family’s  future in our increasingly uncertain society. Immigration policies that are leading to the breakdown of social cohesion by creating a fragmented society; one replacing an homogenous society in which people had concrete values in common, and a common history.

Can any of these people explain as to how PEGIDA is based on hate? How is it hateful to preserve your national identity in your own country?  The real hatred comes from  those whom want to destroy European ethno-cultural identity. To destroy is a negative aim whilst preserving is a positive stance. PEGIDA has the positive message. Critics will aim to undermine this positive stance by ascribing underlying motives but these only exist in their imaginations. These people hold themselves as up as benchmarks of what is good and bad – anybody who does not hold their view of the world must have badness in them somewhere.

Anti-Semitism and Fascism?

Pegida represents a reaction against the narrowing of discourse and the ideological enforcement of a particular world view that is contrary to that of ordinary people.

If a movement is derided by the Left any ‘-ism’ will be thrown in; some have accused it of being anti-Semitic, and have compared it to fascist marches. This is another aspect of the tactic deployed against  popular movements that the Left opposes – do not confront the issue raised but slander the organisation. The logic behind this charge says that if someone opposes Islamic fundamentalism then they will necessarily oppose the Jews, but this does not follow. They will claim that anti-Semitic incidents are increasing but ignore the role of the Islamic community in such an increase. The Left will claim that if someone opposes one minority they will oppose all minorities as if being a minority is the only important aspect of a community, and they will deny that one minority can be prejudiced towards another minority. Nor do they present any evidence of anti-Semitism other than inferring from the false portrayal as Pegida as a ‘far-right’ organisation.

If it has fascist supporters then they would be a tiny part of it as the fascist movement , meaning ideological closeness to Mosley and Mussolini, is minuscule but Pegida appeals to ordinary people. Having supporters who are fascist would not mean than the message of the movement is fascist, as not everything someone who is a fascist would agree with would be fascist itself.

Other critics claim that the movement will attract radical right wingers but so what? Someone with radical right-wing views would probably find the message attractive, albeit as a diluted variant,  but it is not the case that a message would have to be radically right-wing for them to find it attractive. No-one complains about left-wing campaigns that attracts those whom believe that Stalin’s murderous actions were justified in the name of communism, but a ‘right-wing’ campaign composed of ordinary people is considered a problem.

No violence will need to be committed by Pegida’s followers in order for it to be labelled thuggish. Someone who has ‘right-wing’ views can be considered a thug without committing any violence – yet ‘anti-fascists’ will fight anyone they possibly can and they won’t  attract the label. The entire movement will labelled violent if any person on its march defends itself from attacks by ‘anti-fascists’.

Dr Werner J. Patzelt, an academic based on Dresden, has argued that the political discourse has shifted leftwards. Actual public opinion has therefore shifted rightwards relative to the discourse set by the elite. Centre right views have been left on the ‘extreme’ end of the spectrum – it has been rendered difficult to express right-wing views in public out of fear of legal disapproval. This has meant that the public has no official outlet for ‘outlawed’ opinions. Hence why there are movements such as Pegida and why the socially Left elite has reacted with horror that their views are not the popular ones.


Pegida represents a mass movement that represents those whom have  had their concerns dismissed by an out of touch left-wing elite, and is not an extremist driven movement. The reaction against it illustrates the sort of ideological enforcement that has helped to create the movement in the first place. As a result it will sustain unfounded attacks but will retain a popular basis.  Its opponents will stir up unrest, or at least try their best, and will blame it on the movement itself.






The Independent



Constitutional Accommodation of Islamic Blasphemy Laws

3 Nov

There is a controversy in the German state of Bavaria where the authorities have been accused of spying on activists opposing the building of a mega-mosque. Mega mosques are designed to dominate an area and are statements; the advocates of these argue that they are a practical means of allowing Muslims to pray but this is nonsense. A mosque does not have to be ‘mega-‘ for Muslims to be able to pray. Anti-mosque activists in this case argue that it would be a platform for Islam throughout Europe.

Anti-mosque activists argue that the use of state surveillance is meant to intimidate them. This is likely because authority is used all across Europe for the purpose of clamping down on anything that may prevent the establishment of Islam in Europe.

A court in Bavaria has declared that it is legal for the authorities to spy on the activists according to the constitution. So how would a constitution in a European country make it acceptable to spy on anti-mosque activists? The Bavarian interior minister has resorted to smears because he claimed that the opposition is arousing ‘prejudice against Muslims’. This is a common tactic; vague phrases that ascribe an ulterior motive against a group officially considered vulnerable (‘vulnerable’ refers to a favoured group rather than one facing any particular danger). It is not considered necessary to prove this; only speculation is considered necessary to smear someone.

He also referred to anti-mosque activists as ‘right-wing extremists’. This is a tactic to try and distance ‘respectable’ opinion away from opposition to the mosque. This is designed raise the spectre of Nazism. The fact that not wanting your country to become Islamic does not at all indicate any disposition to extreme ideologies is not considered relevant; the important thing is for people to believe it.

But the interior minister consider them to be engaged in unconstitutional activity. So apparently the constitution there guarantees the ability to build a mosque and trample over local opinion. European constitutions therefore do not guarantee protection for political identities, and are willing to accommodate its own subversion. These constitutions are interpreted by those whom want indigenous political cultures subverted; constitutions are designed to protect citizens but they are used to do the opposite.

Critics argue that the constitution guarantees free speech. In theory they do that but any constitution contains qualifications. Authorities do not want to give citizens too much power but want to retain it for themselves. These qualifications are often based on vague terminology. This is the typical tool for trampling on rights that are meant to be protected in a constitution. This is how constitutions can become the means of clamping down on anyone who wants to protect indigenous political cultures in Europe.

Politicians see in the growing Muslim population a secure voting base if it can be secured in the first place. In Britain we are seeing the majors fighting over the Muslim vote. Wealthy proselytising Gulf states invest in European countries, enriching our establishments, and  return they adopt an Islamic friendly stance. In Germany, like in other European countries, Islam is defended from criticism regardless of how valid. It is possible to be prosecuted for ‘offending Islam’ for factually stating verses from the Qu’ran, and detailing persecution of Christians in the Middle East. This is the order that is threatened; it should be.

Constitutions are being used to subvert our indigenous political cultures because they are being interpreted by an elite that is hostile to European nation-states and favourable to Islam.

For more information: http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4820/munich-mega-mosque

Islamic Teaching in State Schools: Propaganda or Education?

2 Oct

In the new national school curriculum there will be a module on Islamic history in order to meet the demands that history education ought to move away from British and European history to ‘world history’. The movement behind this are concerned that if British children are taught about their history then they may become patriotic. The idea is if they are taught that Britain retarded the development of everyone else to give ourselves an advantage (despite this not being true) then this tendency towards patriotism, which according to Leftist logic, would lead inevitably towards supremacism (despite there being no logical reason why this would necessarily happen), will be replaced by a fanatical devotion to Diversity and self-loathing.

Originally the Islamic module was not going to be included in the new curriculum but then Gove changed his mind. The reason that he changed his mind was that he was forced to by the Muslim lobby led by the Muslim Council of Britain. The Muslim lobby has significant power since their growing numbers means that they are growing electoral force, and the oil-wealth of the Gulf States can be used to influence our politicians.

Why Should There Be an Islamic Module on the National Curriculum?

There are various justifications for this foisting of Islamic propaganda onto British schoolchildren. Salim Mulla, of the Lancashire Council of Mosques argued that there is an ignorance of Islam amongst Christians (what about vice versa?). What does he mean by ignorance? It is typically thought that anybody who knows anything about Islam would necessarily be supportive of it; conversely opposition to it indicates ignorance regardless of how many violent passages that you can recall from the religious texts. Since it would be the case that he would want children to have a positive view of Islam the passages that support violence against non-Muslims and the takeover of societies would not be included. In other words, what would taught is propaganda.


Others argue that it would decrease ‘Muslim alienation’ but why should our own history be pushed aside to accommodate the sensibilities of a particular community who apparently reject any historical narrative that does not include them; it is often assumed that they do. The argument is based on the premise that Muslims will opt out of our society if they are not.given credit for the rise of Western civilisation, and is the historical equivalent of the argument that Muslims will only integrate into our society if it reflected them; as regards our relationship with our own society and history, we are expected to embrace anything even if it does not reflect us. This apparently vital contribution to Western civilisation includes the ‘Muslim’ discovery of the number zero which our civilisation would not have happened without – allegedly.

But Europeans had the concept of nothingness so would have invented a sign for it anyway as with other mathematical signs. Even if Muslims had invented ‘zero’ it was still Europeans who made the breakthroughs that created the modern world but there is a movement that aims to promote the idea that Europeans stole these breakthroughs and it was really non-Europeans that ought to be given the credit for them. That advancements amongst Europeans only happens through accident or theft, and true innovation can only happen amongst non-European civilisations is disseminated . This nothing to do with fact but with disparaging an entire race of people but this would only be considered wrong if it was non-Europeans being disparaged. Allegedly, if white self-esteem is not dismantled then we would inevitably become supremacist, since according to some pathologically-defective people, this is the only way that white people can be, and that if the self-esteem if other races is raised then, for whatever reason, they will develop notions of peace and equality between people. This the Politically Correct Marxist paradigm that has paved the way for Islamic history to get onto the curriculum.

Empires and Imperialism

But will children be taught about Islamic imperialism, including in Europe? It is unlikely since it is the Politically Correct narrative that imperialism is only a European disease led by an apparently innate drive to dominate everyone, but non-European empires bring civilisation. While European empires are considered necessarily bad it is often argued that the Islamic Moorish empire in the Iberian Peninsula (711-1492) was a beacon of tolerance within backward Europe because the Muslim rulers allowed other religions to exist. Islamic tolerance is measured by a much lower threshold than Europeans. It is not mentioned that the most tolerant rulers did allow other religions to exist but imposed a tax for that pleasure and deprived non-Muslims of the same political rights as Muslims. Islamic scripture says that Christians ought to be subdued, and if they resist, they must be fought until they are overcome (Bernard Lewis, in Islam and the West). Other Andalusian rulers persecuted non-Muslims completely.

There was of course the Ottomans in the East who, in 1529 and 1683 got as far as Vienna. The Ottomans were on a Jihadist mission to subject Europe to Islamic rule, and overthrow Christianity. If it is taught than it would be portrayed as a defensive mission because, according to Politically Correct narratives, in European and non-European relations it is necessarily Europeans who act aggressively and the non-Europeans in self-defence. But in fact, modernisation could have been stifled in Europe by Islam in the same way that scientific and medical advances (built on Greek, and therefore European, texts) was stifled in the Islamic world after its ‘golden age’ in the 10th and 11th centuries. These advances happened despite Islam, not because of it.

The Ottoman influence in Europe is often cited as one of the reasons that Europe modernised. But one aspect of European modernisation was the Reformation leading to Protestant work ethic, increase in secularism (in the sense that there was an increasing separation between the spiritual realm and temporal governance) and growing importance of empirical scientific methods. As to how an invading jihadist Empire can be cited as the reason for these developments is not clear. This argument would be based on the premise that they presence of anything non-European in Europe can only have good consequences despite the atrocities carried out by the Ottomans (based in modern Turkey), especially in the Balkans, and favouritism granted to Muslims and those Europeans who converted to Islam. These events influenced the Balkan wars in the 1990s (as well as previous ones) because the Balkan Muslims are a legacy of the occupation. Yet according to Politically Correct narratives, modern problems only come from European empires.


It has also been argued that the role of Muslims in creating a multicultural Europe should be taught since children, and the rest of us, are already told that multiculturalism is absolutely a good thing and that anyone who disagrees is deranged individual harbouring Nazi sympathies. So they will obviously be told that the demographic transformation happening is a positive thing; that indigenous Europeans would somehow benefit from becoming a minority in our own homeland while our cultural identity is dismantled due to the Marxist belief that our cultural identity is a burden that we need to be relieved from  because of our ‘imperialistic’ history – yet this would not apparently hold true for Islamic culture despite its more extensive imperialist legacy. Again, one standard applies to Europeans and another to non-Europeans. Our ‘imperialist’ legacy amounts to a few hundred years over the millennia while Islamic imperialism has been non-stop process for 1300 years.

Children won’t be taught about the rape epidemic happening in Europe with the tacit approval of European authorities, riots in major cities and tensions resulting from the clash between incompatible cultures. Nor will they be taught about the grooming gangs in the wider context of multiculturalism. Instead they will be taught the Islam is contributing to a utopia.




Why Islam in Particular?

Our schools already accommodate Islam so this curriculum change would represent another step in an already existing trend. Schools are already offering halal only menus and, in some areas, pork is banned even though there are non-Muslim students. The dietary requirements of Muslims seem to represent another example of Islamic exceptionalism because halal meat would contravene the religious requirements of Sikhs because their religions would forbade eating ritually-slaughtered meat, and beef is not banned, for example, to accommodate Hindu students (not that it should be, of course!).

Islam is generally given an exceptional status in our society that is not given to other religions. In fact the number ‘zero’ originated in Hindu India which was conquered by the Mughal Empire which established Islamic rule, destroyed Hindu and Sikh temples an to the Islamic world, and those whom want to end any criticism of Islam wants to give the religion credit for anything they d enslaved and killed tens of millions between 1000 AD and 1575. The number ‘zero’ amongst other things were then taken back to the Islamic world and found its way to Europe through the trade routes between Europe and Asia. Islam is given a prominent place in history in order to match its prominent place in modern Britain. Maybe if other religions developed their own jihadi movements while creating a sense of victimhood then they may get the same exceptional treatment. According to Marxist logic, the more someone hates us the more therefore we have done wrong to them, rather than non-Europeans being capable of prejudice – an apparently European-only evil. This would therefore require greater favouritism towards their religion.


Questionable ‘history’ will be deployed since European achievements will ‘given’ to the world. The fact that the Greek texts were utilised indicated that it was knowledge gained in Europe that was used by the Muslim world. These texts were seized in military expeditions against Christian Empires in the East  so were therefore taken away from Europeans in the first place, and rather than being given back by advanced Arabs to help backward and savage Europeans civilise as the Politically Correct narrative says, these were seized back during the Crusades to regain the Holy Land seized from Christians in the first place by the Islamic world. This led to Scholastic philosophy as theologians attempted to reconcile pagan Greek philosophers with Christian providence, amongst other things. As for medical advances, these were based on Greek texts and it cannot justifiably be argued that if these were not made then Western Civilisation (Classical civilisation seen as a precursor to Western civilization) would not have happened.

Because the Islamic lobby are powerful enough to get Islamic history put on the curriculum then it can be certain that they will influence the content; in fact the inclusion on the curriculum is based on hopes that it would end ‘Islamophobia’. In other words, British children would be open to the establishment of more mosques and the encroachment of Sharia into British public life through having their view of historical and contemporary events distorted. .

Why Nationalism Equals Freedom

31 Mar

Nationalism, through the preservation and positive assertion of cultural traditions, can defend freedom from agendas that would remove them in order to dictate society to their own designs.

On the Left they consider the destruction of our cultural heritage as equivalent to freedom, with the clear implication that cultural traditions are a constraint on our freedom.

Nationalists are portrayed as defective for attempting to preserve our cultural traditions. We are seen as stooges or dupes of the capitalist plot to enslave the working class. I will argue that this portrayal is a more accurate description of the anti-indigenous European cultural tradition movements. In fact, the issue of cultural heritage is independent of the class issue completely since it divides the nation that inherits the cultural heritage in common.

Our cultural traditions are not entangled with a capitalist project to enslave us all while they pursue profit despite themselves pursuing the latter. Our cultural traditions stand opposed to it in the sense that they represent a threatening symbolism of independence and social freedom. In Marxist theory the ruling bourgeois class keeps the proletariat, or working class, in a condition where they can be exploited for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. They can be kept in this position in ways that extend from naked force to keeping them in a false consciousness where they are not aware of their exploited condition. Within Marxist tradition national cultural traditions, at least in the West, are used as an instrument of this false consciousness.

I will argue that the destruction of indigenous cultural traditions in Britain and Europe overall will lead to the weakening of our societies and ultimately their deaths in order to be replaced by a society envisaged by certain others agendas. This will end liberty. In order for there to be liberty our cultural traditions need to preserved from the attacks of the global elite, misguided Marxists and Islamists.

The Global Elite

It is the case that most people are unaware of the condition that they are in but the truth is not a Marxist narrative. There is a global elite comprised of those within the political class, media moguls, bankers and industrialists that do have an excessive level of control over our lives and societies. There are, however, no global working class but nations and peoples. People are not united by class but descent and cultural affinity even if there are people in certain countries that are poor and some that are rich. Marxist attempts to promote class warfare is a ploy to split nations in order to weaken them because a nation’s strength is in its unity and its consciousness of itself as a nation in a similar way to the family. These cultural tradition are independent of the global elite and political class, not instruments of them.

These cultural traditions can hurt them. This is why national identities are under threat from mass immigration and multiculturalism. These are orchestrated by the global elite. It is politicians who control our borders and who are also part of the global elite. Why would the global elite want to destroy national identities and cultural traditions if these things were preserving its hegemony? It would not make sense. The fact is that our traditional identities are an alternative to a elite-preferred identity as rootless consumers of their mass produced rubbish – this makes our cultural traditions a threat to the elite.

The manifestations of these attempts to destroy identity and traditions are multifaceted. Many of these manifestations can be included in the officially sanctioned secular religion of Diversity. This is intended to replace the homogeneity of our traditional societies in Europe ( not however in Africa and Asia where European immigrants were considered to have been a disease rather as a source of cultural enrichment) with diverse ones comprised of various non-indigenous cultures. Diversity is intended to a create a society where every race and religion lives peacefully alongside each other – accept it seems the host one, which gets demonised and edged out. People who resist this process risks social vilification with the accusation of ‘racist’, ‘fascist’ or any other word or phrase used for this purpose. Because the ideal of Diversity does not resemble reality there is a requirement for the utilisation of the media and state apparatus to present the ‘ideal’ picture of Diversity; this is why Muslim-controlled no-go zones in certain areas of some cities do not make first page news, only subsequent riots do and are blamed on a ‘far-right’ bogeyman. This directs hatred to those (non-extremist) people who want to preserve our cultural heritage and national identity. There is undoubted co-ordination amongst the powerful sectors against our cultural heritage.

In order for the media and state apparatus to be utilised for this requires the power to use them. If these are used to conceal the reality of Diversity then it must follow that those with the power support Diversity. If they support Diversity they must also oppose the preservation of national cultural traditions. If they support these traditions then why support what presents a existential threat to them.

The Totalitarian Threat from the Far-Left

In order to be free from the global elite running our lives we need to assert our national identities and cultural traditions since these form a barrier against their influence. The threat is three pronged. The second threat  comes from the far-Left who want to exert their warped totalitarianism onto people – as with the global elite they want to separate us from our national identities in order to make it easier to control us. Rather than nationalists being overly sentimental individuals who cannot handle our apparent liberation from the burden of our cultural traditions, nationalists who defend cultural traditions and national identities are battling powerful forces with clear aims in mind. Someone stands up to such powers are actually strong, not weak. The easy thing to do would be to embrace Diversity. Doing so would lead to an easier life because we would not be vilified.

The question would appear to arise as to how the Marxists and the capitalistic global elite are interacting on this. It appears confusing because on the one hand Marxists think that they are opposing capitalists and yet, in supporting mass immigration and multiculturalism, they both have a common instrument to their respective aims. It is possible that they both believe that they using each other in the short-term for ultimate aims. Whatever the exact mechanisms are it is clear that these are at least two fronts in the defence of our national identities and cultural traditions since these would preserve our freedom from both threats.

As the political philosopher, Edmund Burke, understood cultural traditions solidify society. A solidified society is more difficult to destroy than one without an identity. Every far-Left regime has come to power amidst a revolution. In order for there to be a revolution there has to be preceding disorder, and stronger societies are less prone to disorder. So our cultural tradition can provide the strength to offset totalitarian attempts to destroy society.


The other threat that we need to assert our identity and traditions against is Islam. The survival of identities and traditions depend on the survival of the people who carry them. Mass immigration and multiculturalism is leading to the demographic replacement of indigenous Europeans. There are already 50 million Muslims in European. Due to differing birth and fertility rates the Muslim population is rapidly increasing and the indigenous population is shrinking as what happens when fertility rates are below replacement level (2.1). Because Muslims are extremely unlikely to adopt the identity and cultural traditions of the indigenous population, even converts, this means that indigenous Europeans nations are on course to vanish culturally, and certainly ethnically.

This process has the backing of the Establishment and their foot soldiers on the far-Left.  The myth that any opposition to Islamisation amounts to ‘Islamophobia’ is allowed to spread unchallenged; the ‘Islamophobia’ label basically allows the use of race laws to enforce a blasphemy law on non-Muslims. The inconsistency with out culturally political tradition is clearly problematic since freedom of speech is a (threatened) part of our identity. Since it would require substantive opposition to halt or reverse the trend, demonising such opposition is practically creating room for the Islamic takeover. The is a trend backed up by the facts.

This begs the question of why, if it is in control, the global elite would allow such a process to happen. It is far from certain that a Muslim population will drop their strong religious identity in favour of consumer (non)identity that the global would like them to. If they are/were in control could this represent an experiment spinning out of control? But then the elite-controlled mainstream media happily wield the term ‘Islamophobia’, and wealthy individuals from the oil-rich Gulf states wield influence over the global elite so there is indications of collaboration for respective agendas. Islamic immigration may be used to destroy indigenous European identities and traditions, which the first phase in the plans for both the global elite and Marxists, but it may end up replacing one homogeneity with another one.

The far-Left support for the Islamisation of our countries is easier to explain since it is based on its delusion and blindness. It is simple. The Muslims are oppressed proletariat. European people and culture are oppressive. Therefore the Marxist prophecy will be achieved if the Muslims gain control of European nations from the oppressive societies that it replaced. This is false. In Marxist theology the subsequent withering state and communist society would be atheist when the masses drop the ‘opium’ of religion as their oppressive conditions are lifted- in addition to the fact that Muslim-led states in the Gulf are extremely powerful. These states are extremely repressive – yet these states are considered Western allies. These Islamic countries are clearly too powerful to have the global elite impose ‘democracy’ onto them.

In addition to this these states pay for mosques to built in our societies with support of the far-Left thugs who deal with any local resistance and the global elite who acquiesce.

The pattern of Muslim majority countries is persecution of non-Muslim minorities so this goes against the oppressed Muslim narrative. Particular examples are Pakistan, with regular attacks on Christians and absence of religious rights in Saudi Arabia where there is not a single church for the 2 million Christians living there. It is difficult to know for certain how much of the population of these countries support such things but it cannot be assumed that the proportion of those that support second-class status for non-Muslims are just a small minority. There is no reason to assume that in the event of Islamic control in Britain that non-Muslims would have equal rights to the Muslim majority. To rest on this assumption would be to rest on an exception from the general pattern.

There are clearly several agendas who are intent on using Islam, and the charge of ‘islamophobia’ to remove our cultural barriers and control our society for the benefit of others.


Once freedom is achieved we can all live alongside each other on this planet as nations determining our own futures while preserving our pasts. This is why national identities and cultural traditions must be exerted against those forces attempting to destroy them. Removal of our cultural tradition removes the strength from our society and makes it easier for our freedoms to be destroyed.

The threat comes from various directions and the relationship between them is complicated. Each have a separate aim which is to replace our society, identities and traditions with something else that is more conducive with their own interests. Their aims are different, and incompatible, but the removal of out cultural traditions is something that unite them pragmatically in the short term so we must protect our cultural traditions and societies amidst powerful competing interests. Therefore in order to counter the interests and assert ours we need to assert our cultural traditions against anybody that threatens it in order to provide the stability to protect our societies.

If every nation protected its cultural traditions (in a positive manner rather than a belligerent one) then the power of these (universal) threats would be weakened everywhere leading to a drastic level of power for the elite and other odious agendas to split our societies. Thus, (positive) nationalism is necessary if you want to freedom and self-determination.


Channel 4’s Broadcast of the Adhan: Cynical Commercialism or Representation of a General Capitulation to the Demands of Islam?

2 Jul

Channel 4 has decided to broadcast the adhan. This is the Islamic call to prayer. This means that when the adhan is broadcast it means devout Muslims will be aware that it is time to pray according to their religion. In Muslim countries it is traditionally carried out by the muezzin through a tannoy. This is contained within the tower of a mosque and the local population will be expected to go into a mosque like sheep being manouevred into an enclosure. What Channel 4 are proposing is to act as the muezzin. However, Channel 4 are forgetting that this is not a Muslim country and that Muslims should be expected to organise their own prayers.

During Ramadan it will broadcast at sunrise. This would tell the Muslim population that it is time to fast. This means Muslims will forego food between sunrise and sunset because it was said to be the time period corresponding with Ramadan that their prophet Mohammed fasted in the cave in which he is said to have the visions of the Archangel Gabriel which led to the revelations in which the content of the Quran were apparently revealed. It is not clear why it is necessary for Channel 4 to do this because when a Muslim gets up in the morning and the sun is up then he or she knows that it is time to fast. If they want to eat in the morning then they should set the alarm to a time before sunrise. Likewise if they want to pray; they have been managing up to now without a national broadcasting system.

During Ramadan Muslims are expected to pray up to five times a day. The first call to prayer will go out at 3 am; on the first day of Ramadan, on the 9th July, the subsequent four calls to prayer will interrupt programming. On subsequent days these will be broadcast on the website. This will happen every day for thirty days.



Channel 4 clearly wanted to attract viewers. The head of factual programming, Ralph Lee, claimed that they wanted to attract young Muslims. So basically Britain’s officially 2.8 million strong Muslim population represents a growing source of viewers for Channel 4’s mediocre programming. I say officially because of the sheer numbers of illegal migrants that have accumulated in this country ever since the government lost control of the borders. This begs the question of to what extent Channel 4 will bombard the population with pro-Islamic propaganda in this historically Christian country.

Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society, pointed out that the percentage of Muslims in this country is small even though he seems to think that Islam should be on a par with Christianity in this country. He claims that Channel 4’s coverage would balance out the BBC coverage of Christianity. There is no reason why it should. Christianity, despite the declining number of followers, is the historical religion of Britain even if it is inherently Christianised paganism. Islam is a recent addition to the religious landscape in this country. This would represent a distortion. Channel 4 is thereby undermining the true narrative of religious heritage in Britain for commercial gain.


They also justify it by claiming that they are concerned with how Muslims are represented within the national media. Lee argues that when Muslims are mentioned it is in regard to terrorist incidents whether as the terrorist or as contrasting moderate voices. This is true to some extent. Whenever there is a terrorist incident involving Muslims then the Muslim population is thrust into the spotlight. However, this depiction is not as unfavourable to Muslims as Channel 4 tries to make out. This coverage of Muslims depicts them as a harmless minority under constant harrassment from the majority and are reacting against the majority – a narrative that is not backed up by the facts. In fact there is an aggressive campaign by elements of the Muslim community because they think that we should become Muslim – no doubt Channel 4’s ramadan month will be encouraging. Refer to Gilligan’s article within the Telegraph on Tell Mama (there is a link in one of my previous blogs). It seems likely that Channel 4 would broadcast this false narrative to an even greater extent.

Channel 4 seems to represent itself as a champion of the underdog; pursuing a ‘progressive’ political agenda. Lee has claimed that ”no doubt channel 4 will be criticised for focusing attention on a ‘minority’ religion but that’s what we’re here to do: provide space for the alternative and a voice to the under-represented. Let’s not forget that Islam is one of the few religions that’s flourishing in the UK.” Basically, the number of Muslims are growing and Channel are preparing to capitalise, and in order to underplay commercial motivations, they talk in principled, politicised language. Not exactly convincing.

This sends a message out to the Muslim community. Waves of individuals and groups constantly seek to launch terrorist atrocities against our society… and we will willingly veer our society towards an Islamic direction because we are afraid of death and consider commercial interest and profit more important than defending our own traditions and values. It is difficult to see the incentive for the non-violent sections of the Islamic communities to turn in their own fundamentalists. The fundamentalists will be delighted with Channel 4’s decision. Just up the campaign and see what other concessions the kuffar throw their way…

Unsurprisingly the Muslim Council of Britain are delighted. They claimed that it symbolises ‘belonging and solidarity’. These descriptions are not exactly explanatory and would require translation. Preferably by someone cynically minded. It is not clear whether the Muslim Council of Britain are expecting further concessions but it is probable. However it is implied that the MCB would find it difficult to belong to something non-Islamic; their attitude to our cultural heritage seems ambiguous at best. It is not to say that this country should adapt to the expectations of Muslims, but that Muslims should adapt to our traditional non-Islamic identity and become comfortable with it. Gimmicks such this will only raise expectations.

Sanderson also warned about potential proselytising. He claimed that ”we [secularists] don’t want to see any broadcaster becoming a platform for religious proselytising”. It is doubtful as to whether the MCB would see this as a problem. So while Channel 4 would see this as a controversial issue that will boost their viewing figures this could be used as a platform to gain converts. This would undoubtedly allow many Muslims to overlook the use of their religion as a means by Channel 4 to provoke controversy.

It is also further justified through the argument that it will teach the population that Islam is about more than bombs. It is unlikely that anyone genuinely believes that it is only about bombs; people generally know that Muslims pray. It is difficult to see how this Islamic incursion into British broadcasting will shift the public perception of Islam to a more peaceful perception. Constant attempts by fundamentalist groups to carry out terrorist atrocities, that are foiled by our security services, are nonetheless an objective fact; not to mention inciteful passages in the Quran. The knowledge that Muslims fast in addition to prayer will not change many minds. Along as it attracts considerable viewing figures then it is unlikely that Channel 4 cares how many minds it manages to change.

This is purely an attempt to create publicity for Channel 4. Ralph Lee himself says that he aims to provoke. They have done these stunts before. One year President Ahmedinejad of Iran, the Muslim who was recorded as saying that Israel should be wiped off the map, was invited to give the Christmas message on Channel 4. Not to mention other depraved programmes. It is unlikely that Channel 4 actually care about the public perceptions of Muslims or that they would ‘provocatively’ suggest that Britons should defend out traditional institutions and values against multiculturalism. In the former they are concerned with commercial gain and in the latter case they would prefer to stay on the side of political correctness in case they are bombarded with ‘isms’ that could undermine their marketing strategy. Therefore only the ‘right’ people should be offended.

These ‘right people’ would include groups such as Britain First described in the Daily Mail (2/7/13) as a Right-Wing Group. It called for a boycott and said that we should ‘get ready for a months worth of pandering to Islam, courtesy of Channel 4. A boycott would be easy to do. After all, it is this channel that brought us Big Brother. However, what they are forgetting is that there is constant pandering to Islam by the entire broadcasting establishment. It is true that they broadcast Muslim terrorist atrocities but these can hardly be ignored; bombs going off tend to attract attention. The more that these incidents appear in the press the more we are told that Islam means peace rather than submission as is really the case.

The danger is that Channel 4 will create a precedent because they will fuel demand for further Islamification of our institutions generally. That is why anyone who cares about our traditions must avoid Channel 4 at least while this commercial charade is in progress, and demand greater a proportion of programming dedicated to our traditions and cultural heritage. The Muslim community will just need to accept this situation because, to be entirely blunt, we were here first.

EDL and Social Division

17 Jun

The attempt to implicate the EDL in social division that is increasing in ‘our’ multicultural ‘society’ misses the point and diverts focus from the actual causes – multiculturalism that encourages minorities to lobby against the majority and mass immigration that has created upheavel through widespread and rapid change.

Until we tackle these problems then society will continue to divide. Therefore groups such as the EDL, and parties such as the BNP, must not be viewed as the cause of social division, but as the manifestations of legitimate voices for the grievances of the indigenous majority – in other words, social division is the cause, and the ‘far-right’ is the response. The white working class, especially, must be listened to; expressing this frustration through violence, on the tiny scale that it is actually carried out by whites is no excuse, but it must be recognised that the indigenous majority, especially the marginalised white working class, are losing out amidst the veneration of the minority and failure to tackle immigration.

The establishment must recognise the cultural costs that are being imposed on the indigenous majority through the imposition of foreign cultures. Mosques, or ‘Islamic Centres’, represent a gain for Muslims, and a loss for the indigenous population. It is unreasonable to expect the indigenous population, for example, to approve a building symbolising our cultural heritage, such as a pub, church or listed building, being converted into, or knocked down to accommodate, a mosque. In order to stem social division a stringent system of defending our heritage from incursions needs to be installed.

Lies that are pedelled by groups such as the SWP needs to be tackled head on; they unfairly stigmatise any indigenous Britons who want to defend our way of life, not out of hatred, but out of a pure connection with our heritage. Even if there are actually individuals who have malicious intentions it is not fair to make us all pay in order to spite ‘racists’. This increases resentment because ordinary Britons finds themselves wanting to defend their heritage but too scared to speak out in case of stigmatisation.

At Muswell Hill an Islamic centre, called the Al-Rahma Centre, which catered for Somalis mostly, was burned down in what police are pursuing as an arson attack because the letters ‘EDL’ were allegedly written on the side of the building prior to the burning. In the press the EDL, or some other ‘far-right’ activist connected with the group is blamed, although there is no evidence for this; for example, for all we currently know, the arsonist could be Muslim and intended to implicate the ‘far-right’. This is not unfeasible. In Austria, and elsewhere, this has actually happened (www.barenakedislam.com). It is claimed that this was done in order to invoke social tension.

The underlying issue here is the role of the far-right in (apparently) invoking inter-communal tension. As I will argue the ‘far-right’, and in particular, the EDL, are manifestations of pre-existing social division, and claims that they are causing social division are dubious. This is clear if you recall the circumstances of the creation of the EDL. The Royal Anglian regiment was parading through Luton when Islamic fundamentalists launched abuse at our brave troops and, in an extremely provocative move, burnt a poppy. They intentionally chose a symbol that they knew had a powerful symbolic importance. This enraged those present at the parade and a group confronted them, and the EDL was therafter formed. So to claim that the EDL are socially divisive is to misunderstood and to adopt a selective stance as to what forces in society will tend to drive society apart to the limited extent that it actually is united.

It is unlikely that the EDL burnt down the Islamic centre; on Twitter the leader Stephen Lennon denied EDL involvement and the deputy leader, Kevin Carroll, said that ”the EDL do not approve of any religious building being attacked” (www.guardian.co.uk). It is then unclear as to why they would burn the centre down and then deny involvement only to have written ‘EDL’ in foot high letters beforehand. It clear therefore the EDL, and the ‘far-right’ in general, are the scapegoats for any incident that cannot be undeniably be attributed to a minority.

These Islamic fundamentalists were a clear sign that things were not good before the EDL arose; in other words, prexisting social tensions were the cause, Choudary, for it was he, and his minions were the catalyst, and the outpouring of frustration in the EDL was the effect. This begs the question as to why the established press tries to portray the ‘far-right’ as the cause of social tension and ignores other factors such as the role of ethnic minorities and the concept of multiculturalism. The use of inverted commas to enclose the term ‘far-right’ is to use it in its conventional form; in fact it is a matter of dispute as to where the label should justifiably be placed because criticising the extent of Islamic influence would not necessarily place someone on a particular point of the political spectrum.

It would be inconsistent for these Leftists to imply that consciousness of ethnic and religious difference is a preriquisite to social division. It is claimed that the far-right divides people by race and religion. The verb here makes no sense because it implies that there was no previous division. This is false because,  whether or not there is a ‘far-right’ group there or not, people are not atomistic individuals lacking ethnicity or religious identity, they are distinct groups; someone is black or they could be white, someone could be a Muslim or they could be a Christian. This division is exactly what multiculturalism does yet these people do not point to the doctrine of multiculturalism as a cause of social division. Many of these people who proclaim support for a conception of social unity actively support the divisive concept of multiculturalism.

The ‘far-right’ are generally a sector of the population that acting in the interest of a particular segment that is ignored or demonised in the multicultural narrative- the white, or indigenous, sector. This implies a pre-division, not a creation of one let alone one that would necessarily lead to conflict. Other communities possess sectional organisations representing these communities as distinct groups and pursuing the interests of their communities; the difference is that the latter gets public funding while the former gets labelled ‘far-right’, and demonised, regardless of the moderation of their worldview or lack of hatred of others. There are a minority who undoubtedly hate, but these are not representative of people and groups generally labelled ‘far-right’.

It is argued that the ‘far-right’ divides because trouble results from its activities. In practice this often means that the ‘far-right’ gets the blame for the violence of ‘anti-fascists’. For example, the British National Party, as can be seen from  youtube videos, often protest by occupying a particular spot legally and waving flags and making speeches; I am not aware of an instance where the BNP has actively sought trouble. Certainly not to provoke social tensions. This is done by the far-left; they either attack the BNP, whether men, women or children, or if they are prevented from doing so, they fight the police – and the blame the BNP. This thuggery led to 58 of them being arrested during the BNP’s post-Woolwich protest against hate preachers.

When the ‘anti-fascist’ movements point to racial incidents where the BNP makes electoral gains they adopt their favoured explanation to the exclusion to of other ones. They point to the gains of the BNP as the cause, not the effect. They do not even bother to investigate the nature of these incidents of racial violence – if they actually happened, that is. If white people were on the recieving end of racial violence this would explain increased support for parties and organisations such as the BNP and EDL. The majority of victims of racial attacks are white (www. independent.co.uk/news/most-race-attack-victims-are-white). Other accounts that do not reach the official reports can also be found through social media (example, www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3LITyIOuqE). White people can be on the receiving end of social division, rather than instigating it.

The BNP and the EDL are often lumped together. The Socialist Workers Party has been suspected of whipping up local minority communities prior to BNP or EDL activities in the vicinity even though suspicions do not emanate from the mainstream press. The antics of the SWP has manifested itself in unfounded beliefs of minority communities that these far-right activists have the intention to attack families in their homes. There has never been an instance where this has happened, or any proof that ‘far-right’ groups have intended this, but the belief in it has inflamed tensions in society; an inflammation caused by the far-Left, not the far-right.

It represents an attempt to place blame on the white majority for social tension rather in any minority hands for politically correct reasons. For example, in the Socialist Worker, the propaganda sheet of the odious SWP, it implicitly supports violence against the EDL, and by extension against any ‘far-right’ group (www.socialistworker.co.uk). In this laughably illogical and ignorant piece they claimed that the individuals who turned up at the EDL meeting after it had finished with the intention of blowing them up were doing it out of desperation because they were subject to racism. They said that it ”was an act of despair against racist thugs”. The piece did not object to the attack because out of any moral consideration but because it would create sympathy for the EDL.

Therefore, the SWP position is clear; white people are responsible for an incident whether it is known that it was a white person or not, while an incident that is carried out, or intended to be carried out, by a Muslim is the fault of … white people!. It is not taken into account as to whether the EDL, or the ‘far-right’ are acting ‘out of despair’. Whether out of Islamists burning poppies and abusing our brave troops or seeing successive incidents in which our heritage is trampled on as increasing amounts of churches, historic building and old pubs are converted into mosques and ‘Islamic Centres’. It seems as if it is unimportant as to whether we are offended or not because it is no excuse for standing in the street waving flags. Whereas if Muslims want to release their frustration through a bomb or two…

In case you are even slightly convinced by the case of the SWP then consider the case that they, rightfully, do not consider the EDL and the ‘far-right’ as equal to the fundamentalists on the Islamic side – but consider the ‘thugs’ on the ‘far-right’ as worse! Because they are ‘racist thugs’. So being a ‘racist thug’, whatever that is supposed to mean, is worse than someone who carries out, or plots, attacks designed to kill large numbers of people.

In fact the defendents in that case targeted the EDL for blasphemy (www.bbc.co.uk). A leaflet was in their car containing the message that ”today is a day of retaliation for your blasphemy of Allah and his messenger, [The Prophet}Mohammd”. They also referred to the EDL as the ‘English Drunkards League’. So the motive for that attack was the belief that the EDL, and therefore all non-Muslims, should be bound under Islamic law. The would be offensive to those who do not buy the Islamic narrative, and since there will be non-Muslims who want to defend our free way of life, relatively speaking, this would cause social tension – but apparently us in the indigenous majority are to blame for this.

This attempt to create the narrative of an oppressive majority, stubbornly trying to retain our way of life, and Muslims on the receiving end is itself a major factor in the stoking of social division. This narrative itself creates a faultline with the majority on one side and Muslims on the other. How this is apparently not divisive is not clear. This shows, therefore, that it is not justifiably placing responsibility where it is due that is important, but placing it for politically expedient reasons. It is clear therefore that failure to recognise the cause of this social division will mean that a solution is unattainable. Instead social division will continue to escalate and the same cycle of denial will occur.

An example of this is the anti-‘Islamophobic’ group, Faith Matters, that runs a project called Tell Mama in which members of the Muslim community can report incidents of Islamophobia. It does not matter whether it happens or not; Tell Mama will compile it in order to uphold the narrative of the Muslim community undersiege from ‘Islamophobes’. They even research accounts on Twitter and other online sites. It does not matter of they are duplicated, happened in this country or elsewhere or whether they happen at all. These ‘incidents’ go on the statistics before verification, not after. Gilligan, in the Telegraph, has done a damning report on this project; the wave of attacks on the country’s official 1,500 mosques amounted to two actual verified attacks; a petrol bombing in Grimsby and a man walking into a mosque with a knife. Tell Mama detailed 11 overrall; even 11 out of 1,500 is hardly a countrywide onslaught (www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk-10093568/).

Therefore you can dispel the image of terrified Muslims huddling in mosques with crowds of skinheads in bomber jackets outside trying to break the doors in. It is clear that there is a propaganda campaign going on. Responsibility for social division should be extended beyond ‘far-right’ bogeymen. The possibility that the indigenous patience is snapping should be considered. It is often claimed that the majority should ”address root causes” of terrorism – translation: find out how we are responsible and channel more money into mosques and Islamic organisations. But why not address the root causes of white resentment?

There is good reason for the patience of the indigenous population to snap because, as always, aggression against white populations in ‘enriched’ areas is absent from the social division narrative; this is not because it does not happen, it does. It would be argued by the deluded Left that white people cannot have legitimate grievances because we are a majority; but then the blacks in South Africa were a majority during the Apartheid era. While this country is not run by a non-white minority government (at least not yet), the example sort of undermines the claim that the majority in this country, by definition, cannot have legitimate grievances.

These grievances stem from another issue that too many people are in denial about -mass immigration. The logic is simple (but still beyond the intellectual abilities of your average SWP member). Mass immigration creates widespread and rapid change because there is too many people, with alien cultures, that need to be integrated in too short a time. Change causes instability and rapid change causes greater instability than gradual change. Mass immigration is causing rapid change so therefore it is feeding social division as a result; the EDL formed as a response to symptoms caused by this policy. When rapid change is enacted, established cultures go through greater pressure, and then established population cannot be expected to approve. Therefore the indigenous population needs to be able to voice our grievances without being labelled ‘racist’, ‘far-right’ or ‘fascist’, or being beaten over the head by a narrative in which we are apparently launching a (one-sided) onslaught against pacific, harmless and defenceless minorities – it is this that leads to social division because it creates grievances, real or imagined, for and against everyone else.


28 May

The Islamic community needs to be more honest with non-Muslims when it comes to the relation between Islam and violence; there is a connection even if not all Muslims act upon this aspect. This reduces the amount of trust possible between our communities due to the lack of transparency.

It should not be a surprise when indigenous elements get restless because our culture should not be undermined in order to accommodate the Islamic community and appease violent elements. More respect for the indigenous cultural identity would be beneficial since promotion of multiculturalism can appear self-serving if these leads to the proliferation of mosques. Greater voices within the Muslim community for the defence of the indigenous cultural identity will reduce the mistrust of the Islamic community that it is found within ‘our multicultural society’.

After the Woolwich attacks in which a British soldier was murdered in a barbaric manner attention has been cast to the role of Islam in inspiring their actions – or the lack of it. It is the latter viewpoint that is the problem. The logic to the latter viewpoint is that Islam is peaceful, the actions of these two animals were violent, therefore their actions were unIslamic. Sikander Saleemy, the Secretary of a mosque in Braintree which was on the receiving end of an attempted revenge attack, said that ”we absolutely condemn what happened in Woolwich, but it had nothing to do with us . It was an appalling act of terror – but it wasn’t Islamic in any way”.

In The Telegraph Mehdi Hasan pointed out a passage within the Koran that proclaimed that an attack on one person is equivalent to an attack on mankind. How do these two individuals explain, if Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace, passages from the book of Surah that urge the murder of unbelievers? Even if you can claim that this does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that Islam is a violent religion it certainly weakens, if not explodes, the Islam-is-peaceful thesis.

Some these passages from the Koran should be considered when you ponder the supposed peaceful nature of Islam. Surah 9.73 exclaims says, ” O Prophet, fight against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination”. When al-Qaeda and other deluded fanatics fight against non-Muslims they are following what the Koran is telling them.

It is claimed that ‘Allah’ is merciful. How do you explain passages such as ”So if they repent, it is better for them; but if they turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful punsihment…” (Surah 9.74). It is seems that ‘Allah’s”mercy’ is conditional. In Surah 9.5 is is claimed that ”when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and beseige them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give Zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful”. In other words, if you do not convert you are fair game, but will be welcomed into the Muslim brotherhood and sisterhood if you do.

So, even though most Muslims are not members of murderous groups or partake in murderous activities against non-Muslims, this does not make Islam a peaceful religion. It just means that the majority of individuals with a Muslim background do not act out passages quoted above. However, since there are such passages within the Koran, and the above ones are only examples of what else is in there, the non-violent Muslims cannot justifiably claim a monopoly over the ‘correct’ interpretation of Islam.

This means that the non-violent Muslims must reconcile their faith with militant nature of Islam. This has to happen otherwise they are not being honest. They are not being honest to themselves, and worst of all, they are not being honest with us non-Muslims. We hear Muslims claiming that such men follow a ‘perversion’ of Islam, yet we see wave after wave of Muslims trying to murder us in the name of Islam. What these non-Muslims need to do is to explain as to why there is no al-Qaeda equivalent in the Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist populations. For this reason, there is clearly something distinct about Islam that makes a disproportionate number of its people resort to terrorism even if this number is a minority of the Muslim population.

When individuals such as Tommy Robinson of the EDL claim that ”They’re [Muslims] are chopping our soldiers’ heads off. This is Islam”, and that ”our next generation are being taught through schools that Islam is a religion of peace. It’s not. It never has been…”. This cannot be contradicted even if you claimed that Islam is more than chopping off soldiers’ heads, since violence rhetoric is found in the Koran. All the Muslim community can do is to admit that there is a violent streak running through their ideology because any attempt to persuade non-Muslims that Islam is peaceful can be undermined whenever anyone bothers tom do any research into the subject. This would then appear that those asserting the Islam-is-peace argument are trying to hide something.

Religious ideology certainly seemed to be a motivation for the murderers. One of them said into a camera held up by a member of the public that ”we swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you”. The fight, fortunately, seems to have ended for this particular moron, but unfortunately it seems that others will take their place and will take inspiration through Islam. Since ‘Allah’s’ mercy extends only to those who convert it seems that he is not theologically compelled to grant mercy to would be victims. This is clear evidence against the Islam-is-peace argument.

This aggression is portrayed as defence and revenge. The killer who made the previous nonsensical statement also raised the old adage of an ‘eye for an eye’. This is seemed to be a ‘responsibility’ that is compelled onto Muslims individually – Islam is an active religion since its adherents are compelled to assert its beliefs against others. The killers were thus compelled, with a little help, it seems, from that waste of oxygen and matter, Anjem Choudary, and theological commands.

This revenge is based on a misunderstanding of the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. They killed the soldier on the basis that he had killed innocent Muslims in Muslim countries; of course, there is no reason to assume that he had done, not that it would have ever justified what happened to him even if he had done.What these idiots failed to understand is that large of numbers of Muslims in Muslim countries are dying because of people like him; insurgents killing civilians with car-bombs because of sectarian divisions, while British soldiers have been trying to protect Muslim civilians. But it is easier to divide the world into ‘good’ Muslims and ‘bad’ non-Muslims – they would not have to do as much thinking.

This therefore means that instead of pushing the narrative that Muslims are victims because Muslims are dying in Afghanistan Muslims who express revulsion at terrorist acts should acknowledge the role that Muslim ideology plays in maintaining this narrative. It is claimed that Islam only justifies violence in self defence, but maintaining the myth of Islamic victimhood only reinforces the sense of justification of those that launch attacks against non-Muslims; it is only a cover for an aggressive proselytising campaign as the Koran seems to sanction. If these non-violent Muslims want to demonstrate to us that they are against such acts then they need to stop evading the issue by claiming that such acts have nothing to do with Islam. Ideologies can be complex, and Islam could be open to rival interpretations, but the connection between Islam and violent jihad seem to be too clear just to dismiss.

This requires a debate and a fundamental campaign to change Islam, and this needs to be done in full view of non-Muslims since we are on the receiving end of its excesses, not to mentioned the Muslims whose deaths our servicemen are wrongly blamed for. The problem could be Islam itself since it claims that the Koran is the literal word of ‘Allah’- including the violent bits. Muslims would need to be persuaded to drop this principle and follow their religion for selectively and considerately to non-Muslims. After all, despite the cries about supposed Islamic victimhood, Muslims have been granted a massive amount of leeway. They have been allowed to live here in huge numbers despite the theoretical ability to prevent them from doing; they are, wrongly, allowed to convert historic buildings into mosques, and our heritage industry will stand back and do nothing in order not to cause offence; they have been allowed to alter the cultural landscape; halal meat is served to non-Muslims, despite animal welfare issues, in order to allow Muslims to abide by their religious diets. We have granted a culturally suicidal amount of leeway.

Muslims therefore have no right to claim a sense of victimhood. However many Muslims have condemned the attacks in order to avoid attention from ‘far-right’ groups such as the English Defence League. They have failed since the EDL took to the streets. The EDL have been blamed for division but they are a reaction to problems that already existed; remember the circumstances in which they were formed? British soldiers were being abused by a group of Islamic fundamentalists, and the EDL was born out of the group that confronted these ‘mentalists.

This problem has existed for a long time. We had the 7/7 bombings but the Woolwich murders were not the first instance of murders by lone fanatics. Theo van Gogh was murdered in 2004 when he had his head cut off because he was involved in a film that apparently insulted Islam. But, nearly a decade later, we still have Muslim spokesman trying to dissociate Islam from such acts despite the fact that supporting evidence for the contrary can be found in the Koran and the Hadith. It has been pointed out that there has been progress made. There is validity to this view because before the tone was, despite some lip service for the victims, that we had it coming because we had not been nice enough to Muslims, but now there has been downright condemnation from Muslim spokesmen, even though there is still the tendency to claim that Islam has nothing to do with violence. Muslims have to come clean, and come to terms with the violent aspects of their religion otherwise the society that is generously hosting them will find it impossible to trust them.

Nick Griffin has claimed that there is a connection between the attack and mass immigration. There would certainly seem to be an issue here regardless of what you think of Griffin and the British National Party. The two murderers were of immigrant background; we know that they were of Nigerian background. We know that one of them came from a devout Christian family  before descending into the world of drugs and crime before converting to Islam; a seemingly common route. The connection with mass immigration seems to be an issue surrounding identity and multiculturalism.

The killers identified with Muslims in Afghanistan, a country that they have never visited, more than the citizens of the country that they grew up. There is a connection between mass immigration and identity disjunction because mass immigration has replaced an homogenous identity with a plethora of identities. If you are going to identify with a country then you need to know what you are identifying with. Muslims are therefore faced with competing identities; some Muslims may claim that they can comfortably live with an Islamic identity and a British identity, whatever they take that to be, but it is clear that many cannot. Muslims who are in the latter camp must realise that they cannot justify aggression against the majority because we are here; it is not our fault that some Muslims cannot deal with their identity crisis, and we have no obligation to change what is left of the national identity, though we could assert and demand compatibility with our own identity instead of the absurd notion of multiculturalism.

It is up to the non-violent Muslims, and any violent ones, to come to terms with any identity crisis. Even their religion may compel them to see any other belief system as a threat, and respond with violence, this is based on a false idea of infallibility. Their religion is based on faith; there is no evidence to establish the existence of ‘Allah’, and by extension, any of the demands made within the Koran; even if ‘Allah’ exists there is no evidence that ‘The Prophet’ Muhammed conversed with the Archangel Gabriel or that any subsequent ‘revelations’ were actually from ‘Allah’. It is purely faith, a faith that most people do not hold.

Thus, Muslims should not expect to claim any special status. If Muslims genuinely want to gain the trust of the majority population then they need to accept the validity of our way of life because we were already here, and be more expressive in this regard, and come to terms with the violent aspect of their religion, instead of claiming that Islam is being misrepresented or Muslims are being persecuted whenever anyone connects Islam and violence because a Muslim has perpetrated a violent act in the name of Islam. Otherwise, they just come across as dishonest. It would also be ideal if they expressed respect for the indigenous culture, and be more respectful to it, i.e, stop the proliferation of mosques and ‘Islamic cultural centre’ , especially in a way that alters our cultural landscape and treads on our heritage. Otherwise, and compounded with successive outrages against non-Muslims, they cannot blame the natives for getting restless.


18 Apr

Ignorance, laziness or hidden agendas are behind the use of the term ‘Islamophobia’. This is because there are sound culturally defensive reasons to resist the proliferation of mosques; we are entitled to defend our own culture, and our own culture gives way when another gains ground in Britain. There is no reason why defending our culture implies an irrational fear of Islam; there are plenty of rational reasons to oppose mosque building, and Islamic encroachment.

The term has cynical uses. The Left uses it to demonise any Briton who resists multiculturalism and the spread of Islam, while Islamists use it to claim a sense of victimhood and therefore the sympathy of the more gullible members of our society; this is used to create the space for the pursuit of their agenda.

It is repeatedly argued that opposition to mosques or the spread of Islamic culture within Britain, and Europe,  is motivated by ‘Islamophobia’.


The term ‘Islamophobia’ is defined as an irrational fear and hatred of Islam (or Muslims). The problem with arguing that this is the motivation for opposition to mosque building is that it excludes motivations that are based on rational objections that are motivated by cultural defensiveness. Opposition to Islam can be rational because it can be based on reasoned conclusions about the religion itself or the effects that it is having on the cultural landscape in Britain.

The term is often used automatically for any perceived hostility towards Muslims, without any actual research into the causes of any hostility. It assumes that Muslims are victims without asking whether non-Muslims, especially the native majority, are victims in a particular case.

Arguments for the ‘phobic thesis

Arguments that claim that Islamophobia is the basis of any perceived opposition to the spread of Islam are false; they merely assume without any logical or factual basis.

There are those who argue that Islamophobia is expressed whenever any non-Muslim feel that their values are under threat from Islam. Why is this irrational? Such sentiments are defensive because they are reacting against a perceived threat. Such perceptions are rational because there are many Islamic organisations in Britain, and around the world, that are in no way implicit about the their intentions towards non-Islamic values. Islam4UK, or whatever name they go by at any particular time, are an example in Britain.

In Tower Hamlets, nearly half Muslim, the mayor, Lutfur Rahman, has been connected to an organisation called Islam For Europe which intends to Islamicise Europe, as its name suggests. The funding, and planning permission, for mosques are reputed to come from a multitude of shadowy groups; their intentions therefore remain a mystery.

It would be inaccurate, therefore, to portray any threat to our values as non-existent, as in the imagination of ‘Islamophobes’. To assume otherwise would be complacent because why shouldn’t we be on guard in terms of preserving our values? We cannot guarantee that anyone else would. It is often said that the majority should be ‘sensitive’ to minority cultures; this in fact means deferential. However, this is not necessarily reciprocated because expecting minorities to be sensitive to the majority, according to many Leftists, is ‘oppression’.

Thus, when a mosque is proposed, any opposition is deemed to be discriminating against the Islamic community rather than as an indigenous population upset about their culture and history being under threat. No sensitivity deemed necessary in this case presumably. It is not deemed to be important if the Christian majority are upset about a church being converted into a mosque, because it is deemed hateful to object to giving way to another culture if you are Christian or indigenous European. Why this is the case is not convincingly explained.

There are absurd attempts to connect any motivation to defend our way of life with fascism. The problem with this argument is that it assumes that one minority can be inserted into the place of another minority in any narrative. This wrong because minorities are not units, they are different and have very different histories. For example, worries about the effects on our culture by mass immigration is not the same as believing in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. The latter were, or are, conspiracy theories; Muslims are objectively building mosques at a fast rate and, as a share of the population, are growing. While I am not advocating these as reasons to hate Muslims, only to worry about our culture, or to hate at all, but fears of the spread of Islam have a objective basis, they are not conspiracy theories; it is not necessarily the case that someone has it in for the Islamic community because they oppose the conversion of a Grade II listed building into a mosque.

The Muslims-are-the-new-Jews argument is also wrong because it connects worries about our way of life with fascism and the far-right. While the far-right do campaign on threats to our culture, it does not follow that everyone who worries about the survival of our culture is on the far-right or that these threats do not exist. After all, it would be expected that the far-right would react to such threats. If you are concerned about far-right motivations then adopt the cause for yourself with your own allegedly more benevolent motivations.

We should not attempt to discredit any worries about threats to our way of life just because the far-right may adopt those threats as central to their campaigns. We may spite them if we did, but this way of life, and our culture in a more historic sense, belongs to all Britons whether dead, alive or yet to be born. We would only spite ourselves. So if any far-right group objects to a mosque it is not to say that we should adopt a contrarian position and support a mass mosque building program; we should defend our culture because our culture gives way when mosque are built. We have a right to our own culture in our own country.

A rational reaction to uncertainty could be at the root of any hostility to the spread of mosques. Sayeeda Warsi has argued that it is bigotry to divide Muslims as ‘moderate’ or ‘extremist’. This is wrong; it is  not bigotry, it is a reaction from a population feeling under siege from a rapidly growing immigrant population, amongst whom there are significant amount of individuals and groups hostile to the majority population and culture. We need to know who the threats are; division between moderate and extremist is way a of trying to identify the threat.

This is a situation where victimhood is misplaced. Warsi at least acknowledged that the Muslim community can do more. After all, what are we to do? It has been reported that when some young Muslim men went to Pakistan for terrorist training their families brought them back, or at least tried. The thing is that they did not say anything to the authorities. This begs the question of how many people in that community knew and would not have tried to do anything about it. This could be mistaken for complicity, if it is not actually complicity. What are the rest of us supposed to think?

When there is hostility towards the majority population, and the real extent remains hidden from us, then of we are entitled to react defensively and protect our culture. After all, it is better, without absolute certainty, to assume that it is under threat because that way we at least have a chance of defending it. Complacency would leave it, and us, defenceless; it is logical. Opposition to mosques should be viewed within the context of a native majority defending our way of life, not as a ‘phobia’.

Motivations that are not irrational or prejudiced in nature

Opposition can be based on cultural defensiveness. This is not irrational in nature, or necessarily driven by hatred. There are indigenous cultural identities in Europe; these are non-Islamic, so whenever Islam cultural establishes itself on European soil, it is most likely that an indigenous cultural identity is displaced. Therefore the building of a mosque represents the displacement of a European culture by an alien one, which Islam actually is.

Those who are of a Left-wing disposition, or otherwise in thrall to political correctness, would probably cry ”racism!” at this point. However, it is an objective fact that Islam is alien to Europe because it is entirely Middle Eastern. Some would argue that Christianity is Middle Eastern, and this is true when you talk about pure Christianity, but what we have in Europe is Christianised paganism since this was the only was the only way that indigenous Europeans could be persuaded to formally adopt Christianity. This is what gives way when mosques are built; why shouldn’t native people object to their culture giving way?

There would not necessarily be any hate involved here; only love of ones own culture. Defensiveness, not aggression.

Our own culture has value. Why should our own culture be subordinate to immigrant cultures? In too many areas, and too often, our own culture is expected to give way when another one wishes to expand. There are those that would argue that the host country should adapt to immigrant cultures and immigrants. Why? Why not the other way round? Surely our own culture, since it was here first and has been established for so long, should come first.

Minority cultural groups, including Muslims, may not particular like the idea of a majority host culture, but we were here first; then again, the ones who are most shrill about apparent minority discomfort in face of the majority culture tend to be left-wing members of the majority culture who do not tend to meet many minorities. Perhaps the Muslim community, on coming to and living in a non-Muslim country, should respect the host culture even if they do not agree with it. Muslims should not cry foul when parts of the indigenous population object to a mosque that would be more at home in Saudi Arabia; how many Muslim countries would allow skyline dominating cathedrals to be built there? Rather than being Islamophobic this country, in fact, is too generous for its own good.

There is a good in favour of being less generous. Burke argued that the culture of a nation is a partnership between ancestors, the living and those yet to arrive. This is the trust argument. If we allow our own culture to lose ground within our cultural landscape then we will be unjustifiably robbing future generations of a chance to appreciate their heritage; imagine if our ancestors failed to preserve all those cultural icons that we currently enjoy. We would be doing this to future generations. A mosque may be seen as a local matter; however their proliferation is of a national problem.

There are sound reasons for opposing the proliferation of mosques, and the spread of Islam, within Britain because wherever Islam gains ground, our own culture gives way; there is value to our own culture, and we have a right to defend it.

The use of ‘Islamophobia’ as a cynical tool

Prominent Muslims, such as Mehdi Hasan, often use the term Islamophobia to escape scrutiny. For example, when the barbaric practice of honour killings are carried out or when Westerners criticise attitudes to women amongst the more conservative elements of the Muslim community, the word ‘Islamophobe’ is directed at the individual, or individuals, making the criticism. But, surely criticising honour killings does not mean that that person has an irrational fear of Islam; only reacting to behaviour that one finds distasteful, behaviour that has a cultural basis within, usually in Britain, rural conservative Pakistan. Why should such behaviour escape criticism?

Islamic fundamentalists use the term Islamophobe in order justify their murderous actions and intentions. In the case of Lars Hedegaard, the Danish writer whom was the victim of a murder attempt by an Islamic nutcase, and an amateur judging by the point-blank miss, he was blamed for bringing it upon himself. It was argued by some on the Left that his ‘Islamophobia’ was the cause of the murder attempt; blame was not attached to the homicidal maniacs who tried to murder Hedegaard for practicing his democratic right to free speech.

This is clearly cowardice; this is why the Left side with Islamists. This is also why they tend to demonise those Britons who practice their democratic rights, and patriotic duty, and oppose mosques designed to impose on our cultural landscape. It is part of an attempt to facetiously create a direct connection between Islamophobia and opposition to mosques.

The Left has its own agenda, that it shares with its Islamist allies; the cultural destruction of the West. Islam is seen as one means of undermining Western countries. If indigenous Europeans successfully resisted Islamification then the West could survive. Using the ‘Islamophobia’ as a smearing tool the resistance could be undermined. This is because we have gotten used to an easy life; being associated with an ‘ism or ‘phobia could make it a lot more difficult. We have to learn the art of sacrifice once more otherwise we will lose our whole way of life, not just the comfortable little niches we have created for ourselves.

It is not only Islamic fundamentalists who use the term Islamophobia in order to justify their hateful beliefs. There are many left-wing commentators, or sometimes even right-wing ones, at least the more spineless ones, that try to argue that the whole phenomenon of Islamic terrorism is due to ‘Islamophobia’. This basically means that Muslims become radicalised because we have not been very nice to them; if we were nicer, and allow the Muslim community, and any shadowy organisation, to build as many mosques as they want then the terrorist problem will decline.

This is nonsense; even if that was the case, then how is defending our culture being nasty? Surely expecting us to give way is not particularly nice. To argue, or to imply, that our ‘aggressive’ or ‘racist’ behaviour causes Islamic terrorism is false because the issue can be related to the ideological basis of Islam itself. It also turns the causal link, to the extent that it is actually sound, on its head. If there is the extent of hostility to Islam that there is supposed to be, then can it not be caused by terrorist problem in the first place?

Accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ are cynically used to prevent criticism of Islam and multiculturalism and ensure compliance.

Could Islam pose a threat?

Is Islam as fluffy and misunderstood as its defenders claim?

Islam rests on the basis that it is the sole message of God, or Allah. This implies therefore that any other philosophy is inferior since men are subordinate to God since no other philosophy is divine, or perfectly so. This would therefore mean that there is a necessary strand of supremacism running through it.

There are those who argue that not all Muslims are supremacist and tolerate other cultures. I am not claiming that all Muslims are supremacists out to destroy other cultures, but when you see devout Muslims in robes and long beards building mosques then there is good reason to assume that our culture will not be respected. There is nothing irrational here; reaction to this would be defensive, not aggression.

Our own culture has value too. It is assumed that any attempt to defend it is racist; racist is a word used interchangeably with Islamophobia even though Muslims and Islam are not races. The former are a religious community that can comprise every race and the latter contains values. In the same way that someone can oppose an ideology because opposition to or revulsion of its values, so someone can oppose a religion, or view it as dangerous, including Islam, on a rational basis.

There other misconceptions. It is often assumed that anyone who does not view Islam as peaceful believes that all Muslims are suicide-bombers, or at least treated as such. It is seemingly beyond that understanding of such people that being aware of the more militant and intolerant aspects, or basis, of Islam is different from assuming that all Muslims are homicidal. Even though the followers of Islam are called Muslims, to talk about the religion is not necessarily to talk about the people; Muslims do not consciously become Muslims, they are, generally, born into it. It is undeniable that when terrorists cite aspects of Islam as justifications for their actions they are generally accurate in doing so. For example, some of these bombers, and those manipulating these gullible fools, claim that anyone who dies in the service of Islam will go to paradise.

This goes back to their prophet’s time; he is said, when establishing his earthly empire, to have told his followers that anyone who dies for the religion will go to paradise. He also encouraged his followers to fight unbelievers; unfortunately too many have followed his command. A minority have of course, or at least in actually fighting if not in a metaphorical sense, followed this command. This is on the basis that any alternative religion, or system of values, could pose a threat to Islam; this is at the basis of Islamist claims that the West poses a threat to the Islamic world and its, supposedly pure, values.

Thus, those who claim that Islam  is harmless, and that anyone who portrays it as a threat is an irrational, paranoid, Islamophobe, are, at worst wrong; at best, complacent.

The Empirical case

In Pakistan Christians are persecuted by a significant number of the Muslim majority. It is claimed that Islamic blasphemy laws are used by fundamentalist elements of the Muslim majority to persecute on the basis of a crime against Islam; accusations can be made against members of the Christian community in the same way that accusations of witchcraft were made in Salem. This can be deadly.

In a recent case hundreds of Christian homes were burnt down on the basis that one Christian, a 14 year old girl, was allegedly discovered with burnt remains of the Koran in her bag; this was found to be false. These accusations were based on rumour that was started by a local fundamentalist in the (successful) hope of starting a campaign against the local Christian population.

This has even led to the campaign for a separate Christian province in Pakistan; clearly things must be bad for the Christian minority if they want to go to the effort of campaigning for a chunk of the country to themselves. Things are unlikely to change because few politicians in Pakistan, whether Christian (4% of the population) or Muslim, are willing to take the risk of doing so; Salman Taseer, the governer of Punjab, was assassinated in 2011 because he wanted to reform the blasphemy laws in order to prevent them being used for vendettas against Christians.

The Christian population has plummeted in the Middle East. A century ago Christians made up 20% of the population; today it down to about 5%. The majority of Egyptians in Europe are Coptic, although they only make up 10 per cent of the population in Egypt. Life for Coptic’s in Egypt is clearly intolerable; this is a problem that can get worse under the Islamist President, Morsi, after the fall of the secular regime of Mubarak, who protected the Coptic population along with other populations within Egypt. Why would non-Muslims want to risk living in an Islamic majority country?

There are cases in this country. (Generally Pakistani) Muslims in this country are known for establishing ghettoes in British cities; these are part of these cities that become entirely Muslim, and unofficially become forbidden to non-Muslims. These exist in cities and towns such as Bradford, Luton and Oldham. Many deny their existence, preferring the illusion of a functioning multicultural Britain. Michael Nazir-Ali, an influential member of the CofE clergy and of Pakistani-Christian extraction, was criticised for mentioning these no-go areas.

The perpetrators of the sex grooming scandal in the North of England, where Muslim gangs preyed on vulnerable young white girls, were connected to these communities. They were products of conservative Pakistani cultural that did not need to integrate into modern Britain because of multiculturalism that encourage different communities to live parallel lives. According to multiculturalism every community in Britain has a right to preserve their culture- except the indigenous population.

These girls were therefore seen as fair game because they did not live up to the moral standards that these Muslim paedophiles claimed to uphold. Plying vulnerable young girls with drink and drugs in order to sexual assault them, and pass them around your mates like toys, is a strange definition of morality. This is sort of ‘morality’ should stay in Pakistan if that is where it came from. The more blind, or stupid, ‘liberals’ would probably say ‘who are we to judge, it is their culture’. This answer is simple. The British people. It is also up to us whether we want our country full of mosques.

However, Muslim women would be less likely to be treated that way because the Koran makes a distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim. You can do things to non-Muslim women that you cannot do to Muslim women. It has been claimed that, in Muslim societies, Muslim women are second class citizens, while non-Muslim women are third class. If you are non-Muslim women then you have rational reasons to oppose a growing Islamic influence in multicultural Britain.

It is not just women; non-Muslims in general are treated as second class citizens in many Muslim countries, and are treated as unequal by Islam. Historically this has always been the case. According to Islam non-Muslims, or dhimmi, should pay a jizya; this is a tax paid to the Muslim rulers, by non-Muslims, in order to be allowed to practice their religion, albeit in private. The basis of this was to compensate Muslims for having to live in the company of non-Muslims since non-Muslims have traditionally been seen as a source of potentially corrupting, or impure, influence. Nowadays, most Muslim countries do not levy this tax; they just make it difficult to practice different religions openly. Some provide more leeway than others. Muslim majority countries with secular, or reasonably secular, constitutions allow greater freedom, but this depends on particular regimes. There is nothing about Islam that would grant equal status to non-Muslims.

Overall, although this article is not intending to claim that all Muslims are violent, there is undoubtedly a fundamental problem with violence towards non-Muslim minorities within Muslim countries, or where Muslims numerically dominate. The Gatestone Institute, a civil liberties organisation, runs a website that is very informative of this problem. I do not have sufficient room in this article to give a comprehensive list of such cases, but Gatestone has quite a few from many different countries.

Thus, there are empirical examples to base genuine concerns as to how a future non-Muslim minority would fare since Islam treats non-Muslims as unequal. Nothing is entirely certain, but why give up our own culture in order to take the risk?