Tag Archives: Trojan Horse

Diversity and Education: How ‘Ignorance’ of Other Cultures Amongst White Children Can Shut a School.

4 Feb

The country’s schools are used as instruments of Politically Correct indoctrination. White children are expected to have greater knowledge of other cultures than their own, but this ‘knowledge’ is not necessarily what is accurate but is in fact a view consistent with Political Correctness.

The Durham Free School in the North-East is being shut down after apparently failing an Ofsted inspection. Pupils were said to have ‘discriminatory’ attitudes towards other cultures, but how this was defined is not clear but one pupil was said to have made a connection between Muslims and terrorism when asked what a Muslim is – despite the fact that most terrorists are Muslim, which is a striking pattern considering the respective numbers of Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

Durham Free School is a Christian school and so representative of the Majority culture and the social revolution has it in for any aspect of the Majority culture so a Christian school would be an easy target for state ideologues. The Majority is also seen as a bastion for intolerance and as a ‘threat’ to Minorities, regardless of how inaccurate or unfair this assumption is. Although calling it an assumption can imply a more rational and less pathological angle when it comes to enforcing Diversity – this is carried out with a zeal reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition in the Middle Ages.

The closure was justified by claiming that pupils will not be prepared for ‘life in modern Britain’ if they do not have Politically Correct views on Diversity. By ‘modern Britain’ it is meant Majority Minority and Minority Majority. But then if a child grows up with the ability to criticise the absurdity of the Diversity drive then they may well be drummed out of any career that they are in so they may not prosper. A school will have considered to have failed if it does not mould it pupils for the indigenous minority society planned in the future – education is secondary. Genuine education can be seen as a threat since it can lead to independent thinking.

Other Faiths

Schools are expected to ensure that majority pupils have not only knowledge of other religions and cultures but actively celebrate them. Yet it is not the case that just because a pupil does not celebrate Ramadan that they will develop and instinctive dislike of other cultures nor would it be the case that celebrating other cultures means that someone will see it in a positive light.

Yet pupils are not expected to have knowledge of the indigenous culture. If they are taught about it then they are given a Marxist hatchet job in which it is blamed for everyone’s problems, and that a morally upstanding indigenous person would have contempt for their heritage. After the school was criticised for not celebrating non-Christian festivals teachers justifiably argued that a Christian school should not have to go beyond teaching about them.

But is not considered up to teachers what is taught unless they teach the ‘right’ things. Ideological zealots won’t leave anything to chance.


Teachers are expected to deliver pro-Islamic propaganda that ignores whole swathes of the religious scripture and portray Islam as peaceful. Pupils won’t be shown passages that declare war on non-Muslims and encourages the subversion and takeover of non-Islamic societies. The unsustainable view that groups such as ISIS are non-Islamic will be taught despite the groups following the religious scripture closely. A school could face closure if it does not.

They would probably be taught about apparent historic Western oppression of Muslims in line with the propaganda of Islamism. The Moorish and Ottoman invasions and occupations of large areas of European territory will be ignored as it will be inconsistent with the leftists narrative in which Europeans are the unqualified oppressors, and everyone else victims of imperialism.

The scandal in which Muslim schools were hijacked by fundamentalists has led to a backlash against Majority schools. Whenever authorities try to deal with fundamentalism in Muslim institutions ‘community leaders’ will claim that the community is being singled out, in order to maintain the same victim narrative that recruits young Muslims to violence. So the government has targeted Majority schools with the intention of finding ‘discrimination’ towards Minorities, so Muslims feel less picked on but how many terrorists operate in the name of the Majority culture?

Family Structures

The Politically Correct ideologues in the education authorities also seem to believe that if children do not know ‘what lesbians do’ by the time they are ten then that child will not grow up normal. Children get asked about homosexuality and ‘alternative families’ as one did at the Grindon Hall Christian School in Sunderland, that has now gone into special measures (despite its good GCSE results the previous year) for not failing to sufficiently indoctrinate its pupils. The Politically Correct wants to ensure that in return for their state funding that schools ensure that children do not growing up believing in the importance of the traditional family. The traditional family is seen as threat because it is seen as a bastion of independence.

They are also concerned about gender identity – in other words there could children as young as primary school age that are gay or could identify as the opposite gender – really?

Central Government

The Department of Education is withdrawing the school’s funding thereby forcing it to close. This is how central government can force the indoctrination of children and stifle independent and critical thinking. State education systems are a means by which central authorities can enforce an ideology. Our system has been captured by a Gramscian march through the institutions. The governments will attempt to justify this by claiming that it is enforcing British values in wake of the Trojan Horse scandal.

But the term ‘British values’ are not actually anything to with values that are British when spoken of by the government. It is  based on the idea that traditionalists in the Majority are dense and irrational and will instinctively support anything called British, but ‘British values’ are actually multiculturalism and social revolutionary values in a patriotic disguise. Education Secretary Nicky Morgan seems to have no idea of British values. She claims that traditional values are ‘old-fashioned ‘ and ‘outdated’ . Well, traditions tend to be old; as Burke pointed out they are the accumulated wisdom of previous generations. It does not make them wrong.

It illustrates just how ingrained this Politically Correct mania is when the supposed conservative party of that nation actively undermines its traditional values and the indigenous culture. Conservative parties are supposed to, well, conserve. Instead the Conservative Party of Great Britain is running the country like a centralised socialist state.

Academies would remove schools from local authority control but not central government control. The government allows independent private schools for their own children that price out everyone else.


Our schools are being used as instruments in a campaign to undermine the Majority culture; this illustrates that a schools ability to stay open is dependent upon it moulding its pupils values according to dogmatic Politically Correct thinking.



